Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have arrived in the land of Oz (Ozarkansas). Ollie's first plane ride went well. Although he did leave behind a nice layer of smeared spit up on the back of our seat- but really who can blame him for wanting to leave his mark? Andy, Ollie and I stayed the night in our friend Theresa's cute apartment in Queens, which made for a quick drive to La Guardia Airport at 5:00am. Oliver was a doll and slept the whole way through the gate confusion, check-in and security, and then continued to sleep for the first 2 hours of the 3 hour flight. What a guy! Then I let him stretch out on the empty seat next to me so he could perform his morning show.

Oliver's morning show started at about 3 weeks old. He is a super happy guy when he wakes up. Andy and I sit him on one of our bellies and lean him back against our knees. Ollie waves his uncontrollable arms, smiles, stares, and sticks his tongue out. Each week he adds something new to the routine, like mimicking a clicking sound with his mouth, or controlling his arms enough to keep his hand in his mouth. I'm not usually a morning person (and after being woken up 3, 5, or 10 times in the night I would think even less), but this has become my favorite part of the day. Andy makes me laugh and laugh with his jokes and narrations of Oliver's thoughts. The fun continues until Andy leaves for work and Ollie usually falls back asleep in a carrier while I make breakfast.

My mom is in heaven right now holding sleeping Ollie. I'm going to take advantage of this and get a little nap in. Pictures from Oliver's travels in the South coming soon (I didn't bring a camera, but Ollie is a WELL documented baby when his Pody is around).

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