Saturday, July 14, 2012

As Summer Flies By

No, I did not take the photo above. Neither my camera or my photography skills (or lack there of) could capture this fleet-of-wing creature, but this has been the view from our living room window. The Bee Balm has flowered all over the farm, luring one of my favorite birds back to our home.  With its iridescent green head and radiant red neck, the Ruby Throated Hummingbird looks like a small Christmas tree ornament. It is the only species of hummingbird that regularly nests east of the Mississippi.

Yesterday was the last day of the first two week session of farm camp. It was a busy and hectic two weeks, but well worth the chaos to see the smiling, tear-smeared faces of so many happy campers that did not want to go home to their cities and suburbs. I love watching the kids bring their parents around the farm on closing day, teaching them about the plants and animals and sharing antidotes from the last two weeks. Many parents come up to Andy and me to tell us how much their child has changed in the last two weeks. Parents are amazed when their city kids rave about milking goats, weeding the garden, eating kale, and sleeping in a yurt. It makes me so happy to see this.

However, the background business to keep this place running is exhausting. This summer I am merely in a small support role to Andy while he runs the whole place. He has a great team helping him, three lovely ladies who I am endlessly grateful are here to be the other parts of his brain. But seeing him go from putting out one fire to the next makes me look forward to the few days of summer when the campers are their parents' responsibility again and the two of us can enjoy a day with our favorite happy camper, Oliver.

Last night Andy spotted a ruby throated beauty hyper-actively hitting up every pink tubular petal of the bee balm below our window. He held Ollie in his arms and pointed at the hummingbird as it paused at each flower. I came over and the three of us stood at the window and watched. It was the best moment of my week. Finally alone in our home, just our little family, enjoying the beautiful place that we live and nature's miracles, in peace and silence. This morning when I came down with Ollie the little visitor was back. This time Oliver was less tired and really honed in on that little bird. His head and eyes followed the zig-zag flight path of the hummingbird as I narrated. He even watched as the bird flew away and then looked up at me as if to say "where did it go?" 

Today we are celebrating Ollie's four month birthday. I can't believe how fast these four months have flown by. This is such a cool age. It is almost as if you can see new neuron bridges forming and synapses firing in his brain. He is more and more social every day and recognizing familiar faces and voices with a face full of glee and a gummy smile. 

I love my boys so much! Now I'm going to go spend a wonderful day with them!